Geant4 Profiling and Benchmarking
Geant4 CPU Performance by Version (from Geant4.10.6.p03 through Geant4.11.3)
2) Profiling Results
Since July 2024, ongoing migration to the NERSC resources and gcc12.3.0 (yellow)
3) CPU per Event: Summary Plots by Versions
4) Total Memory Count: Summary Plots by Versions
5) Geant4 MT/Tasking Performance
6) Useful Links for Performance Tools and Optimization
- Open|Speedshop: Home page
- IgProf: Ignominous Profiler is a simple tool for measuring and analysing application memory and
performance characteristics.
For more information, see IgProf home page
- Other HPC Performance Tools:
- Software Optimization Resources: Agner Fog