I) Test results with CMSSW (on cmslpc machines, 24 cores, Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU X5650 @ 2.67GHz)

Performance using CMSSW_9_2_5_patch1 and 2018 Geometry (measured and reported by Sunanda)
               Native Geant4   Geant4 + Scalar VacGeom  Geant4 + Vector VecGeom
      CPU       RSS     CPU          RSS         CPU        RSS
               (s)       (GB)    (s)          (GB)        (s)        (GB)
Muon 50 GeV
     Barrel    0.126     0.49   0.124        0.49        0.126      0.50
     Endcap    0.164     0.49   0.155        0.52        0.158      0.51

Pion 50 GeV
     Barrel    0.994     0.60  0.953         0.55        0.967      0.55
     Endcap    0.928     0.55  0.884         0.60        0.909      0.54

Electron 50 GeV
     Barrel    2.373     0.51  2.370         0.50        2.420      0.51
     Endcap    2.247     0.51  2.208         0.50        2.232      0.51

Minimum Bias
(14 TeV)       9.918     0.59  9.116         0.58        9.250      0.59

t-tbar        56.583     0.64 52.742         0.62       54.459      0.61
(14 TeV)  

II) Test results with the standalone cmsExp (on tev cluster) 

#Test on AMDOpteronProcessor6128 (two independent measurements) and IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
#scalar = geant4-10-03-ref-06 + CMS 2018 Geometry + VecGeom v00.04.00 + scalar
#vector = geant4-10-03-ref-06 + CMS 2018 Geometry + VecGeom v00.04.00 + Vc
#%diff = 100*(vector-scalar)/scalar
#sample = [Particle].[PhysicsList].[Energy(GeV)].[BField(T)]
# scalar          
#  mean    error    mean     error   %diff      sample                 nodes
432.1400  1.5238  439.2200  1.9879    1.6  0.6   higgs.FTFP_BERT.1400.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
429.9600  1.3945  437.5100  1.4784    1.8  0.5   higgs.FTFP_BERT.1400.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
300.7600  1.6274  306.8000  2.1859    2.0  0.9   higgs.FTFP_BERT.1400.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
290.4400  3.6109  289.3300  3.9681   -0.4  1.8   e-100MeV.FTFP_BERT.100MeV.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
289.0000  1.2531  288.8400  1.7949   -0.1  0.8   e-100MeV.FTFP_BERT.100MeV.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
184.6700  1.8028  186.0500  1.8261    0.7  1.4   e-100MeV.FTFP_BERT.100MeV.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
383.7500  5.4401  383.8100  5.8098    0.0  2.1   e-100MeV.Shielding.100MeV.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
379.3400  4.3685  379.7200  5.2724    0.1  1.8   e-100MeV.Shielding.100MeV.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
244.2000  3.1852  248.7800  0.9195    1.9  1.4   e-100MeV.Shielding.100MeV.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.0588  0.0009    0.0584  0.0010   -0.7  2.3   e-.FTFP_BERT.1.0 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.0591  0.0009    0.0587  0.0010   -0.7  2.3   e-.FTFP_BERT.1.0 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.0371  0.0006    0.0379  0.0005    2.2  2.1   e-.FTFP_BERT.1.0 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.2288  0.0028    0.2271  0.0027   -0.7  1.7   e-.FTFP_BERT.5.0 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.2298  0.0032    0.2285  0.0033   -0.6  2.0   e-.FTFP_BERT.5.0 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.1470  0.0022    0.1502  0.0021    2.2  2.1   e-.FTFP_BERT.5.0 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.4337  0.0050    0.4325  0.0047   -0.3  1.6   e-.FTFP_BERT.10.0 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.4347  0.0058    0.4352  0.0063    0.1  2.0   e-.FTFP_BERT.10.0 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.2810  0.0043    0.2868  0.0045    2.1  2.2   e-.FTFP_BERT.10.0 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  1.8893  0.0219    1.8830  0.0237   -0.3  1.7   e-.FTFP_BERT.50.0 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  1.8785  0.0171    1.8694  0.0168   -0.5  1.3   e-.FTFP_BERT.50.0 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  1.2280  0.0088    1.2519  0.0094    1.9  1.1   e-.FTFP_BERT.50.0 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.1438  0.0021    0.1430  0.0019   -0.6  2.0   e-.FTFP_BERT.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.1436  0.0017    0.1440  0.0018    0.3  1.7   e-.FTFP_BERT.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.0927  0.0010    0.0936  0.0012    1.0  1.7   e-.FTFP_BERT.1.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.3378  0.0035    0.3385  0.0037    0.2  1.5   e-.FTFP_BERT.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.3385  0.0037    0.3400  0.0038    0.4  1.6   e-.FTFP_BERT.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.2239  0.0027    0.2267  0.0034    1.3  1.9   e-.FTFP_BERT.5.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.6086  0.0058    0.6117  0.0066    0.5  1.4   e-.FTFP_BERT.10.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.6101  0.0067    0.6123  0.0065    0.4  1.5   e-.FTFP_BERT.10.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.4080  0.0055    0.4151  0.0051    1.7  1.9   e-.FTFP_BERT.10.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  2.5974  0.0218    2.6052  0.0264    0.3  1.3   e-.FTFP_BERT.50.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  2.5818  0.0176    2.5947  0.0201    0.5  1.0   e-.FTFP_BERT.50.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  1.7306  0.0134    1.7657  0.0148    2.0  1.2   e-.FTFP_BERT.50.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.1084  0.0019    0.1080  0.0019   -0.4  2.5   pi-.FTFP_BERT.1.0 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.1080  0.0017    0.1068  0.0015   -1.1  2.1   pi-.FTFP_BERT.1.0 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.0680  0.0010    0.0698  0.0009    2.6  2.0   pi-.FTFP_BERT.1.0 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.3741  0.0059    0.3702  0.0047   -1.0  2.0   pi-.FTFP_BERT.5.0 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.3733  0.0058    0.3703  0.0053   -0.8  2.1   pi-.FTFP_BERT.5.0 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.2358  0.0034    0.2429  0.0040    3.0  2.3   pi-.FTFP_BERT.5.0 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.6372  0.0094    0.6344  0.0090   -0.4  2.0   pi-.FTFP_BERT.10.0 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.6365  0.0097    0.6325  0.0086   -0.6  2.0   pi-.FTFP_BERT.10.0 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.4177  0.0069    0.4297  0.0082    2.9  2.6   pi-.FTFP_BERT.10.0 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  2.2863  0.0265    2.2862  0.0244   -0.0  1.6   pi-.FTFP_BERT.50.0 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  2.2703  0.0183    2.2770  0.0204    0.3  1.2   pi-.FTFP_BERT.50.0 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  1.4819  0.0107    1.5304  0.0116    3.3  1.1   pi-.FTFP_BERT.50.0 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.1416  0.0023    0.1411  0.0024   -0.4  2.3   pi-.FTFP_BERT.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.1408  0.0021    0.1402  0.0019   -0.4  2.0   pi-.FTFP_BERT.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.0909  0.0011    0.0926  0.0011    1.9  1.7   pi-.FTFP_BERT.1.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.4221  0.0057    0.4217  0.0058   -0.1  1.9   pi-.FTFP_BERT.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.4220  0.0055    0.4202  0.0054   -0.4  1.8   pi-.FTFP_BERT.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.2695  0.0039    0.2764  0.0045    2.6  2.2   pi-.FTFP_BERT.5.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.7236  0.0098    0.7244  0.0092    0.1  1.9   pi-.FTFP_BERT.10.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.7233  0.0097    0.7214  0.0085   -0.3  1.8   pi-.FTFP_BERT.10.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.4732  0.0073    0.4858  0.0080    2.7  2.3   pi-.FTFP_BERT.10.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  2.6782  0.0322    2.6937  0.0302    0.6  1.7   pi-.FTFP_BERT.50.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  2.6568  0.0210    2.6697  0.0200    0.5  1.1   pi-.FTFP_BERT.50.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  1.7796  0.0152    1.8226  0.0138    2.4  1.2   pi-.FTFP_BERT.50.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.1412  0.0021    0.1410  0.0022   -0.1  2.2   pi-.QGSP_BERT.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.1409  0.0020    0.1400  0.0020   -0.6  2.0   pi-.QGSP_BERT.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.0909  0.0009    0.0926  0.0011    1.9  1.6   pi-.QGSP_BERT.1.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.4194  0.0060    0.4183  0.0053   -0.3  1.9   pi-.QGSP_BERT.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.4197  0.0062    0.4182  0.0053   -0.4  1.9   pi-.QGSP_BERT.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.2753  0.0036    0.2817  0.0047    2.3  2.2   pi-.QGSP_BERT.5.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.7301  0.0093    0.7314  0.0093    0.2  1.8   pi-.QGSP_BERT.10.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.7274  0.0096    0.7289  0.0090    0.2  1.8   pi-.QGSP_BERT.10.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.4706  0.0078    0.4822  0.0078    2.5  2.4   pi-.QGSP_BERT.10.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  2.6623  0.0281    2.6790  0.0283    0.6  1.5   pi-.QGSP_BERT.50.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  2.6441  0.0208    2.6588  0.0206    0.6  1.1   pi-.QGSP_BERT.50.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  1.7769  0.0165    1.8178  0.0163    2.3  1.3   pi-.QGSP_BERT.50.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.1178  0.0020    0.1174  0.0018   -0.3  2.3   pi-.QGSP_BIC.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.1176  0.0017    0.1170  0.0018   -0.5  2.1   pi-.QGSP_BIC.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.0741  0.0010    0.0752  0.0011    1.5  2.0   pi-.QGSP_BIC.1.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.3619  0.0051    0.3627  0.0056    0.2  2.1   pi-.QGSP_BIC.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.3602  0.0046    0.3615  0.0051    0.4  1.9   pi-.QGSP_BIC.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.2295  0.0033    0.2345  0.0038    2.2  2.2   pi-.QGSP_BIC.5.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.6273  0.0073    0.6292  0.0082    0.3  1.8   pi-.QGSP_BIC.10.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.6257  0.0074    0.6297  0.0077    0.6  1.7   pi-.QGSP_BIC.10.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.4040  0.0063    0.4132  0.0064    2.3  2.2   pi-.QGSP_BIC.10.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  2.4002  0.0304    2.4176  0.0297    0.7  1.8   pi-.QGSP_BIC.50.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  2.3835  0.0218    2.4046  0.0219    0.9  1.3   pi-.QGSP_BIC.50.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  1.5871  0.0134    1.6216  0.0139    2.2  1.2   pi-.QGSP_BIC.50.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.3019  0.0032    0.3021  0.0031    0.1  1.5   anti_proton.FTFP_BERT.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.3003  0.0021    0.2987  0.0020   -0.5  1.0   anti_proton.FTFP_BERT.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.1933  0.0020    0.1969  0.0014    1.9  1.3   anti_proton.FTFP_BERT.1.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.5924  0.0084    0.5921  0.0079   -0.1  1.9   anti_proton.FTFP_BERT.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.5910  0.0080    0.5897  0.0081   -0.2  1.9   anti_proton.FTFP_BERT.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.3834  0.0048    0.3927  0.0060    2.4  2.0   anti_proton.FTFP_BERT.5.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.9045  0.0117    0.9071  0.0109    0.3  1.8   anti_proton.FTFP_BERT.10.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.9025  0.0123    0.9018  0.0117   -0.1  1.9   anti_proton.FTFP_BERT.10.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.5879  0.0090    0.6012  0.0097    2.3  2.3   anti_proton.FTFP_BERT.10.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  2.9253  0.0308    2.9411  0.0298    0.5  1.5   anti_proton.FTFP_BERT.50.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  2.9085  0.0213    2.9221  0.0232    0.5  1.1   anti_proton.FTFP_BERT.50.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  1.9467  0.0151    1.9987  0.0157    2.7  1.1   anti_proton.FTFP_BERT.50.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.1059  0.0016    0.1049  0.0016   -0.9  2.1   proton.FTFP_BERT.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.1058  0.0016    0.1049  0.0015   -0.9  2.1   proton.FTFP_BERT.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.0680  0.0011    0.0696  0.0011    2.4  2.3   proton.FTFP_BERT.1.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.4162  0.0061    0.4152  0.0057   -0.2  2.0   proton.FTFP_BERT.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.4148  0.0056    0.4141  0.0056   -0.2  1.9   proton.FTFP_BERT.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.2664  0.0037    0.2726  0.0040    2.3  2.1   proton.FTFP_BERT.5.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.7389  0.0096    0.7387  0.0100   -0.0  1.9   proton.FTFP_BERT.10.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.7379  0.0102    0.7370  0.0092   -0.1  1.9   proton.FTFP_BERT.10.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.4872  0.0068    0.4975  0.0073    2.1  2.1   proton.FTFP_BERT.10.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  2.8053  0.0327    2.8142  0.0303    0.3  1.6   proton.FTFP_BERT.50.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  2.7866  0.0226    2.7968  0.0226    0.4  1.1   proton.FTFP_BERT.50.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  1.8374  0.0147    1.8841  0.0134    2.5  1.1   proton.FTFP_BERT.50.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.2310  0.0020    0.2311  0.0022    0.0  1.3   pi-.FTFP_INCLXX.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.2301  0.0016    0.2303  0.0016    0.1  1.0   pi-.FTFP_INCLXX.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.1467  0.0008    0.1479  0.0008    0.8  0.8   pi-.FTFP_INCLXX.1.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.6272  0.0058    0.6309  0.0057    0.6  1.3   pi-.FTFP_INCLXX.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.6259  0.0059    0.6296  0.0055    0.6  1.3   pi-.FTFP_INCLXX.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.4087  0.0034    0.4112  0.0036    0.6  1.2   pi-.FTFP_INCLXX.5.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  1.0789  0.0099    1.0860  0.0102    0.7  1.3   pi-.FTFP_INCLXX.10.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  1.0764  0.0100    1.0836  0.0103    0.7  1.3   pi-.FTFP_INCLXX.10.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.6849  0.0062    0.6933  0.0070    1.2  1.4   pi-.FTFP_INCLXX.10.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  1.4429  0.0138    1.4497  0.0130    0.5  1.3   pi-.FTFP_INCLXX.15.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  1.4427  0.0161    1.4451  0.0140    0.2  1.5   pi-.FTFP_INCLXX.15.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.9377  0.0076    0.9451  0.0079    0.8  1.2   pi-.FTFP_INCLXX.15.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.1740  0.0017    0.1744  0.0018    0.2  1.4   proton.FTFP_INCLXX.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.1732  0.0014    0.1736  0.0015    0.2  1.2   proton.FTFP_INCLXX.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.1136  0.0007    0.1141  0.0008    0.4  0.9   proton.FTFP_INCLXX.1.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  0.6567  0.0062    0.6606  0.0056    0.6  1.3   proton.FTFP_INCLXX.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  0.6550  0.0057    0.6572  0.0062    0.3  1.3   proton.FTFP_INCLXX.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.4238  0.0035    0.4267  0.0039    0.7  1.2   proton.FTFP_INCLXX.5.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  1.1518  0.0113    1.1598  0.0115    0.7  1.4   proton.FTFP_INCLXX.10.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  1.1502  0.0109    1.1551  0.0096    0.4  1.3   proton.FTFP_INCLXX.10.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.7564  0.0066    0.7625  0.0065    0.8  1.2   proton.FTFP_INCLXX.10.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  1.6209  0.0177    1.6260  0.0157    0.3  1.5   proton.FTFP_INCLXX.15.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  1.6137  0.0144    1.6219  0.0144    0.5  1.3   proton.FTFP_INCLXX.15.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  1.0548  0.0083    1.0632  0.0083    0.8  1.1   proton.FTFP_INCLXX.15.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  1.0759  0.0050    1.0716  0.0052   -0.4  0.7   proton.FTFP_BERT_HP.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  1.0753  0.0042    1.0734  0.0070   -0.2  0.8   proton.FTFP_BERT_HP.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.6483  0.0030    0.6494  0.0040    0.2  0.8   proton.FTFP_BERT_HP.1.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  4.0469  0.0191    4.0266  0.0220   -0.5  0.7   proton.FTFP_BERT_HP.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  4.0517  0.0208    4.0345  0.0190   -0.4  0.7   proton.FTFP_BERT_HP.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  2.5000  0.0152    2.4983  0.0110   -0.1  0.8   proton.FTFP_BERT_HP.5.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  1.1810  0.0069    1.1783  0.0097   -0.2  1.0   proton.Shielding.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  1.1793  0.0069    1.1747  0.0074   -0.4  0.9   proton.Shielding.1.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  0.7204  0.0071    0.7246  0.0046    0.6  1.2   proton.Shielding.1.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz
  4.6627  0.0283    4.6569  0.0288   -0.1  0.9   proton.Shielding.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HE
  4.6548  0.0277    4.6396  0.0257   -0.3  0.8   proton.Shielding.5.4 AMDOpteronProcessor6128HES
  2.8672  0.0162    2.8730  0.0095    0.2  0.7   proton.Shielding.5.4 IntelXeonCPUX5650@2.67GHz