Table-A) CPU performance: 10.7.r02a vs 1 10.7.r02 

10.7.r02     = geant4-10-07-ref-02
10.7.r02a    = geant4-10-07-ref-02 with modified MafLifeTime for isomers, from 1 ns (D) to 1 ms

NOTE: only a subset of samples has been processed

Average (CPU Time)/Event: 10.7.r02 vs 10.7.r02a
#  107r02                  107r02a               100*(r02a-r02)/r02  sample
#  mean      error         mean      error       %diff error

  158.5100   1.4903 	  157.4100   1.4404 	  -0.7  1.3	 higgs.FTFP_BERT.1400.4 
    0.0598   0.0007 	    0.0600   0.0007 	   0.3  1.7	 pi-.FTFP_BERT.5.0 
    0.5222   0.0064 	    0.5156   0.0062 	  -1.3  1.7	 pi-.FTFP_BERT.50.0 
    0.0678   0.0007 	    0.0676   0.0008 	  -0.3  1.6	 pi-.FTFP_BERT.5.4 
    0.6044   0.0069 	    0.5997   0.0062 	  -0.8  1.5	 pi-.FTFP_BERT.50.4 
    0.0665   0.0007 	    0.0662   0.0007 	  -0.5  1.5	 proton.FTFP_BERT.5.4 
    0.6141   0.0063 	    0.6107   0.0066 	  -0.6  1.5	 proton.FTFP_BERT.50.4 
