Table-A) CPU performance: cmsExp vs cmsExpVG, 11.0.b.c00 
cmsExpVG   = cmsExp + Geant4/VecGeom.1.1.8
11.0.b.c00 = geant4-11-00-beta_cand-00

Average (CPU Time)/Event: cmsExp  vs cmsExpVG
#  cmsExp              cmsExpVG        100*(cmsExpVG-cmsExp)/cmsExp  sample
#  mean      error     mean      error    %diff    error

   228.83    2.30      223.81    1.97     -2.2     1.6        higgs.FTFP_BERT.1400.4    

Table-B) CPU performance: 11.0.b.c00 vs 10.7.r05 and 10.7.p02(cand00)

10.7.r05   = geant4-10-07-ref-05 + VG 1.1.8
11.0.b.c00 = geant4-11-00-beta_cand-00 + VG 1.1.8

Average (CPU Time)/Event: 10.7.r05 vs 11.0.b.c00
#  107r05                  110b.c00           100*(b.c00-r05)/r05  sample
#  mean      error         mean      error       %diff error

  225.7400   2.3095 	  223.8100   1.9717 	  -0.9  1.3	 higgs.FTFP_BERT.1400.4 


Average (CPU Time)/Event: 10.7.p02(cand00) vs 11.0.b.c00
#  107p02.c00             110b.c00          100*(b.c00-p02.c00)/p02.c00  sample
#  mean      error         mean      error       %diff error

 220.1800   1.7088 	  223.8100   1.9717 	   1.6  1.2	 higgs.FTFP_BERT.1400.4 


Table-C) Total Memory : 10.0.b.c00 vs 10.7.r05 and 10.7.p02(cand00)
# total        memory        100*(b.c00-r05)/r05 
# 107r05       110b.c00         %diff           sample

  11161.2000 	  10105.8000 	-9.5	 higgs.FTFP_BERT.1400.4 


# total        memory        100*(b.c00-p02.c00)/p02.c00 
# 107p02.c00   110b.c00         %diff           sample

  10291.3000 	  10105.8000 	-1.8	 higgs.FTFP_BERT.1400.4 
