Table-A) CPU performance: 11.1.b01.c00 vs 11.0.r05

11.0.r05     = geant4-11-00-ref-05        (Serial RM in app)
11.1.b01.c00 = geant4-11-01-beta_cand-00  (Serial RM in app)

Average (CPU Time)/Event:  11.1.b01.c00 vs 11.0.r05

#  110r05                 111b01c00         100*(b01c00-r05)/r05  sample
#  mean      error         mean      error       %diff error

  213.3200   1.5219 	  219.9400   1.7947 	   3.1  1.1	 higgs.FTFP_BERT.1400.4 
  NOTE: In an email to the STT thread from 6/20/2022 based on CI-performance results
        a CPU degradation of ~5.3% in 11.1.b01.c00 over 11.0.r05 was reported by Guilherme A.,
	specifically the following:
	Speedup: -5.28% (time), -2.60% (cycles), -1.63% (instructions)
	Bear in mind that "negative speedup" means CPU degdadation.
	Results was obtained for CMS geometry (similar to cmsExp). 
	Such results comes without statistical error as it is understood to be based on 
	limited statistics.
	Also, the physics events on input might have been for a physics process other than
	Higgs --> gamma gamma (used in the current test).
	However, the overal CPU trend observed in our current test is reasonably comparable
	with the observations reported by Guilherme A.  


Table-B) Total Memory : 11.1.b01.c00 vs 11.0.r05 

# total           memory     100*(b01c00-r05)/r05 
# 110r05          111b01c00    %diff           sample

  11036.7000 	  11195.3000 	 1.4	 higgs.FTFP_BERT.1400.4 
