Table-A) CPU performance: cmsExp vs cmsExpVG, 11.2; all with gcc11.4.0 on EL8 and uses SerialOnly RM 
cmsExpVG = cmsExp + Geant4/VecGeom.1.2.6
11.2     = geant4-11-02  

Average (CPU Time)/Event: cmsExp  vs cmsExpVG
#  cmsExp              cmsExpVG        100*(cmsExpVG-cmsExp)/cmsExp  sample
#  mean      error     mean      error    %diff    error

    209.75    1.30     194.73    1.47     -7.2      1.3        higgs.FTFP_BERT.1400.4

Table-B) CPU performance: 11.2.c02 vs 11.2.c01 

11.2     = geant4-11-02   (gcc11.3.0, SL7 Serial RM in app)
11.2.el8 = geant4-11-02   (gcc11.4.0, EL8, Serial RM in app)

Average (CPU Time)/Event:  11.2.el8 vs 11.2 

#  112                     112el8                100*(el8-112)/112    sample
#  mean      error         mean      error       %diff error

  200.1100   2.0326 	  194.7300   1.4671 	  -2.7  1.2	 higgs.FTFP_BERT.1400.4 
