Geant4 (10.3.r09) MT Performance on Intel Xeon Phi (from SLAC)
ParFullCMS: PhysicsList = FTFP_BERT, Uniform Magnetic Field = 4.0T, CMS GDML, Single Pions
Processor: Intel Xeon Phi 3120A (57 Cores)
CPU: 1100 MHz, Cache: Total Memory: 6 GB
Weak Scaling (a fixed number of events per thread)
The number of events per thread = 10
The total number of events processed = 10*(number of threads)
Strong Scaling (a fixed number of events per job)
The number of events per thread = 2000/(number of threads)
The total number of events processed = 2000
memory vs. Time
restrict to 100 threads, 5000 events
Electron Beam Energy = 50 GeV